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Thanks for stopping by. About Oso Creek Mortgage...

OSO Creek Mortgage is a local lender and broker approved with the top wholesale banks. The mortgage loan process is complex. To navigate it successfully, you need a mortgage professional to guide you and keep you from making the mistakes that can cost you time, money and stress. We do things differently and have the ability to shop and compare mortgage rates and programs for you.

  • We offer Great Customer Service

We take pride in our great customer service. Our staff is here for you, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, problems or maybe a suggestion. We would love to hear from you.

  • We put our clients first

We make sure our clients get the best support from our staff. We will walk you through the whole mortgage process and ensure your transactions close smoothly.

  • We offer superior loans and mortgages.

We can provide our clients with extremely competitive pricing. Now you can do all your comparison shopping with one company without wasting time with several banks or brokers.

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